
“Oslo Digital helped us find the direction we were in, by building customer journeys and a brand new brand aligned with our values. A very positive experience!”

Customer: Daidda

Project start: 2022

Themes: Brand strategy

Background: Daidda is a family-run firm offering the highest quality artwork. Per Arnfinn, Pernille and Terese Persen have a great passion for art and photography. When the Persen family came to Oslo Digital, Per Arnfinn had a long history with the company Profil Data and the printing of high quality art. With the daughters on board came new visions and they started selling images from an online gallery, but needed help finding their brand strategy and visual identity.

Description: The choice fell on Oslo Digital, as it was important for the Persen family to find a partner who has good expertise both in terms of brand strategy and e-commerce. Particularly important was finding a visual identity and strategy that could be taken out into digital surfaces and tell a story.

Delivery: Oslo Digital arranged several Ateliers where we challenged the family on both who they are and who they are for. Why they exist and how they can build trust with their customers.

“Oslo Digital helped us find our direction, by finding personas, building customer journey and new brand. A very positive experience!”

Pernille Persen
Founder and General Manager of Daidda

We worked to identify who they really were, focusing on their family and their Sami ancestry. We think the chosen name Daidda, which is Sami for art, is a good start to their new brand. We also used cultural elements in the logo and the Sami colours, which we brought out in the new visual identity, representing not only the origin of the family but also their warmth and passionate commitment to the subject.

Using the personas method, we came up with who Daidda's target audience is, which turned out to be both B2C and B2B customers. Based on these findings, we assessed the communication and the website and came up with clear recommendations. Among other things, we shifted the focus in communication from the process to the finished product and quality — because that is precisely the quality you get with Daidda.

Oslo Digital is a flexible group that goes to great lengths to meet the wishes and needs of its customers. Contact Let us know if you need similar services. We are happy to offer you a cup of coffee over a chat in Oslo's most comfortable office space in central Fredensborg.

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