
Customer: Make-A-Wish Norway

Project start: 2021 and 2022

Background: Oslo Digital was contacted by Make-A-Wish who would like to conduct both digital and physical workshops as part of planning for an upcoming video production.

Customer Needs: Concept development, video recording as well as editing in connection with World Wish Day.

Delivery: Concept development and video production

Description: Oslo Digital participated in the concept development and provided a studio to record a mini-concert with Maria Mena. Oslo Digital cut, produced and subtitled the video which was shown in all of Make-A-Wish's channels. We produced a video for the customer on the occasion of World Wish Day on April 29, 2021.

Oslo Digital consists of a complex and flexible team that goes to great lengths to meet customers' wishes. Contact Let us know if you need similar services. We are happy to offer you a cup of coffee over a chat in Oslo's most comfortable office space in central Fredensborg.

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