We offer comprehensive services in the field of photo and video and we are dedicated to telling stories. At Oslo Digital we have experienced photographers and videographers, who are passionate about the subject.

A picture says more than a thousand words, which is precisely why it is important that your photos are good. At Oslo Digital, we have dedicated photographers who ensure that the visuals are tailored to your brand and communicate what is right for your brand.

Whether you need employee portraits or environmental photos for your products, we can help you.

Video is increasingly preferred as a channel and can maximize the visibility of your brand. Therefore, more and more people are betting on video, and we are happy to help you with that. We both produce, edit and do pre & post work.

Product Photos & Environmental Images

Do you want your products to stand out well in marketing? Good pictures are important for selling products. By putting them in an environment you can also create a mood, as we did with Grateful Nature.

If you wish, we can take your product presentation to the next level by recreating it in 3D or animating it.

We have our own studio and are ready to help you promote your products.

Advertising photo

Our skilled photographers are concerned with visual communication and ensuring the right aesthetic to your brand. Do you want branding images, social media images or other advertising images?

Our photographers will be happy to help you.


Regardless of where you want photos of your employees, on your own website, in articles or marketing, you want to appear in a good way. That's why we help companies with portraits and employee photos.

Do you want to appear playful, professional or modern? We'll help you.


Concept development consists of developing the individual ideas that are included in a concept. The first stage is often to figure out what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve just that. The next stage is usually more detailed and creative to find the right design, shape or solution to a problem. We help you bring your idea to concept and to further realization.

We are committed to telling good stories and providing a good user experience through video, text, audio and image. The team behind Oslo Digital has produced content for the biggest brands in Norway.


Oslo Digital delivers streaming with multi-camera production to whatever platform you want. Common channels include Zoom, Facebook, Youtube or internal webinar links.
This can be a seminar, course, conference, concert or other events.

Read more about how we solved this Pure Advantage.

We can also offer live shopping solutions, read about liveshopping here.

Multi-camera production

We produce content for talk shows such as video podcasts and talk shows, where both multi-camera production and audio are required.

Whether you want to create a series or a single episode, we can assist with direction, production, post-production and distribution.

For example, we have done this with the Mira Center, which you can read about here.

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