Time to renew, update or further develop the strategy

Sometimes it is necessary to stop and take a step back to find out who you really are and where you are headed.

We will help you no matter if you are in the start-up phase or if you are a well-established business.

In order to get your company on the right track, Oslo Digital works according to three principles, where we use different methods. We work through these topics in the workshop, together with you.

1. Brand identity: Who are we and why do we exist?
The weeks, months and years pass, while the world is constantly changing. It often feels like time is speeding up, and it's becoming increasingly demanding to keep up with the twists and turns of today's digital world. What was a good strategy yesterday may be outdated tomorrow. That's putting it a little on edge, but it's not that far from the truth either. That's why it's important for companies to have an up-to-date branding strategy, and we're happy to help with that!

We help our clients answer questions such as:

Why do we exist?
Who are we for?
What are our values?

We map out all the activities that help differentiate you from the competition and that should be emphasized when communicating even to your target audience. It can involve everything from brand strategy, to logo design and tone-of-voice design with accompanying brand manual.

We have repeatedly assisted companies in major change processes with everything from new business strategies (such as incorporating the B2C market into an already dominant B2B strategy), or devising a completely new name and brand identity for both new and existing businesses.

2. Personas: Get to know your target audience
Using the personas method, we prepare fictional people who represent their real target audience.

If you want to go even deeper in the mapping, it would be appropriate to conduct in-depth interviews or focus groups with people who are selected based on characteristics that match predefined personas.

This way you get to your real target audience, and you don't have to guess what needs, wants and expectations your customers have.

Having a good knowledge of your target audience is an advantage and can ensure that both management and the company make choices that will benefit your company — in both the short and long term. For example, a different form of marketing, tone of voice and digital strategy will be used for Gen Z than if the primary target audience is Boomers.

“We are particularly impressed with their ability to gather customer insights from current and future customers within different segments. They also used data to substantiate why the recommended actions are important for achieving commercial gain, making us more confident in the recommendations we received.”
— Harald Amundsen, project owner Berggård Amundsen

3. Customer Travel: Understand What Drives Your Customers
Once we have prepared the personas, we analyze the customer journey from start to finish to map where and how the customer finds you, what factors determine whether the customer chooses you, what happens when the customer uses the product or service you offer, and what it takes for the customer to remain faithful over time.

In particular, we look at pain points and identify “low hanging fruits” in order to identify which possible solutions are worth implementing and in what order. We also look at how any customer clubs or other loyalty solutions can play a role for your business. In addition, we have experience in adopting new technologies, such as VR and Live Shopping, in order for you to achieve your goals.

“We had the pleasure of visiting Oslo Digital in the subject of Digital Service Strategy and Business Models at Kristiania University. The fact that experts from their fields come into the lectures and challenge the students with real cases is worth gold and was incredibly positive and rewarding for the students. They learned about customer journey mapping, UX and creating new service innovations”
— Carina Johansson Nyvoll, Senior Lecturer Kristiania University

Want to know more about how we work with brand strategy?

Helping businesses find their identity is something we are passionate about. Therefore, we have helped several companies, including Daidda and Berggard Amundsen with just that.

If you are interested in similar solutions, take liaise with us.

What is branding?

Branding is a tool to create a lasting competitive advantage. Here it is about investing funds inward into the company so that it creates lasting profitability over time. It's about being able to put calculated strategies for positioning, business development, sales and distribution to name a few.

Unique brand strategy

The experience around your brand should be engaging and creative. At the same time, branding must be based on good analytics and have a detailed execution.

We help you set a unique tone-of-voice for your company, which, in turn, is carried out in all points of contact with the customer. For us, it is a matter of course to highlight the exceptional that distinguishes your brand from its market competitors, and to bring out the uniqueness of its identity. We contribute everything from naming process and brand strategy to visual identity.

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