Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, short for SEO, is about making your website visible online by making sure that Google and other search engines perceive the page as highly relevant to the keywords being used. It is therefore important that the website is optimized for the best performance and the most conversions, and that it is optimized both technically and in terms of content, such as content articles, and good call-to-actions. SEO is called organic visibility because it is free, but visibility can also be paid for — then it is called search engine marketing and will show up as an “ad” in searches.

Search Engine Marketing

A search engine is divided into two types of results; organic search results and paid ads. While search engine optimization is about getting visible on those search results that you don't pay for, search engine marketing, abbreviated to SEM, is about being able to pay for more visibility. It may sound simple, but it's more complicated than that. It's not just about spending money on Google advertising. The website must also be perceived as relevant by Google in order for it to appear high in search results.

If you are going to launch new websites it is important to have an SEO strategy, and by having it from the start you are doing yourself a favor as it is more demanding to make improvements afterwards than to come out on the right foot. At Oslo Digital, we are happy to help you create an SEO strategy in addition to the fact that we have good experience in analyzing existing pages.

SEO analysis

An SEO analysis is a thorough evaluation and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a particular website, from both a technical and marketing perspective. An SEO analysis is a good investment for any business as it is the first step to understanding how to acquire more visibility in search engines and get more relevant traffic into the pages, which in turn can result in converting customers.

Focusing on SEO should be a long-term marketing tactic, as organic SEO is extremely cost effective compared to paid traffic. In addition, the results last longer; an optimized website can drive traffic long after paid traffic campaigns are turned off.

We at Oslo Digital offer in-depth SEO analyses of web pages containing the following:

1. Visibility on Google compared to relevant, identified competitors
2. Internal SEO analysis that aims to optimize the content of the website so that it is easier for search engines to understand what the website is about. Which in turn gives better visibility. This includes all content on the website such as text, tags, meta descriptions, images, alternative text and links.
3. External SEO analysis addresses external platforms and activities that can improve a website's authority score, credibility and relevance. The focus is to improve website ranking through external SEO activities such as content marketing, inbound linking, social media, RSS feeds and more.
4th. Technical SEO analysis is about optimizing the technical aspects of a website such as functionality and crawlability. This includes factors such as URL structure, redirects, data structure, XML sitemaps, HTTPS, responsive web design and more.
5. Clear recommended areas for improvement.

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